The STA Blog - Markets - Page 20

Looking ahead: With stats or a crystal ball

All of us would probably like to know what’ll happen next; it’d make life so much easier, knowing what to prepare for and when – no doubt leading to a more fulfilling, if not accepting/fatalistic existence.  Mind you, pity the […]

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Of predictive value: yes or no?

Very recently I came across this chart of the S&P 500 index.  It shows the major downturns it has seen four times since the 1970’s, where each one starts at a theoretical 1 (or 100 per cent).  Every one of […]

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Secrets of the Charts: As revealed by Shares magazine

A colleague last week brought to my attention an article in the latest issue of Shares magazine and asked what I had thought of it.  Not only did I have to admit that I hadn’t seen it – ‘yet’ I […]

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Posted in Finance, Markets, STA news, Technical Analysis, Trading, Trending
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Fundamental analysis: Through the eyes of a techie

Oh not that old chestnut, you groan!  No chance, not here that’s for sure.  The arguments and discussions surrounding the relative merits of fundamental versus technical analysis are too old hat, blinkered and dreary and only for the bigoted.  But […]

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Maximising moving averages with histograms

Loved by the trading community and developed by Gerald Appel about forty years ago the Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD as it’s usually known) aims to drill down into trends – and when they begin to lose momentum.  Calculated by subtracting […]

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Why investors keep buying shares that are bad for them

Dr Keith Anderson, lecturer of accounting and finance at the University of York, and also a guest speaker at one of our monthly STA meetings had an article recently printed in the Interactive Investor. Click on link below to read. […]

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Posted in Finance, General, Markets, Technical Analysis, Trading

Pattern recognition: Man versus machine

To coincide with St Patrick’s Day last week Scientific American posted on social media a short video to help you spot a four-leaf clover. Presented by a self-confessed egg-head, the focus is on pattern recognition and how science can help […]

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A sense of perspective: How much does one need

Looking at the beautiful photos taken by British astronaut Tim Peake from the International Space Station reminded me of how important distance and familiarity are to technical analysis.  When charting a new market or instrument I always insist on starting […]

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Peaks and tops: Markets and trends

As technical analysts we are all too aware of the sort of chart patterns we should look for at market tops.  Double and triple tops, quadruple ones even, the ubiquitous head and shoulders, islands, shooting or evening stars and hanging […]

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Tom DeMark finds the time: Creator of DeMark Indicators

Introduced by Guido Riolo, Bloomberg’s Head of Charting, as ‘a genius of the world of finance’ whose Sequential®, Combo®, and TD Lines® the terminal supplies, audience expectations were running high at the STA’s monthly meeting. A heavyweight in the world […]

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STA at The Shard: Joint event with Warwick Business School

Organised by Tom Hicks MENG MSTA MSCI, and more importantly the STA’s Head of Programmes, for many members it was an opportunity to scale new heights – if you could manage the rather complicated lifts to the 17th floor, that […]

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Review: Fortune Tellers, Walter A Friedman

An idea suggested by STA members, and one I wholeheartedly support, is not a ‘Book Club’ as such (way too bourgeois) but a forum to showcase and discuss books that are either new, useful, or beautiful (to paraphrase William Morris); […]

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Secondary, tertiary, and other indicators

We all know that the prime mover of technical analysis is a time series analysis of market prices, sometimes labelled as ‘descriptive statistics’ by statisticians. They then call all further analysis based on this data ‘inductive statistics’ which include forecasts, generalisations, and extrapolations.

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Annual panel debate: A broad-ranging discussion

Rather than the usual monthly format of guest speaker presentation followed by a handful of questions, January’s get together encourages audience participation and debate between the speakers themselves. The STA was lucky to have a panel of three very different […]

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Coppock’s indicator: Mercifully, monthly only

If, like me, you have spent way too many hours, days, and years studying charts – and more often than not staring blankly at computer screens – it’s nice to know some things only have to be done very occasionally; […]

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Bank of England treads carefully: Cautious, considered and flexible

These were the themes of Minouche Shafik, Deputy Governor markets and banking at the Bank of England, who chose the Institute of Directors’ grand premises on Pall Mall as the venue for her first major monetary policy speech. With a […]

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Seasons Greetings: To seasonality

DEFINITION: A characteristic of a time series in which the data experiences regular and predictable changes which recur every calendar year. Any predictable change or pattern in a time series that recurs or repeats over a one-year period can be […]

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On our best behaviour: Tips from the top

For those of you who could not make it to the STA Annual Dinner yesterday, we offer a glimpse into what was another successful and enjoyable evening. Pre-dinner drinks in the so-called smoking room (which is only permitted on the […]

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Bumping into Heikin Ashi: Pleased to meet you

At November’s STA monthly meeting we were treated to a very interesting talk by motivational coach Steve Ward (do watch the video which is now on the STA website). But there was an added extra in store for me over […]

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Posted in Finance, Markets, STA news, Technical Analysis, Trading
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Steve Ward’s High Performance Trading: Skills-building tips

Yesterday something completely different happened at the regular STA monthly meeting: a talk without charts! Well, just one but none of us managed to guess what it was: blood sugar levels of an Israeli parole board, so not an entirely […]

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