The STA Blog - Tag: indicators

D’mitri Richardson breezes in from Chicago: Propelled by the cycles of W D Gann

The topic of his talk was ‘Classic Gann’, a subject he is so passionate about that he set up Arcanum Market Research (where he is president) in order to develop the use and understanding of this unique approach to technical […]

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Posted in Finance, Markets, STA news, Technical Analysis, Technical Analysis Courses, Trading, Trending
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Larry the lad looking good: Despite trading since 1962

I was so looking forward to Larry Williams’ Fireside Chat with the STA’s Jeff Boccaccio on Tuesday the 8th November. For the first time the web-based presentation was open to STA members, their guests, plus all and sundry as a […]

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Posted in Finance, Markets, STA news, Technical Analysis, Technical Analysis Courses, Trading, Trending
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Markets on the move: Early warning indicators

Donald Trump won the US Presidential election promising to ‘make America great again’.  Markets and investors took him at his word, hoovering up the US dollar and selling the most vulnerable – the Canadian dollar and Mexican peso – hard.  […]

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Posted in Finance, Markets, STA news, Technical Analysis, Trading, Trending
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Secondary, tertiary, and other indicators

We all know that the prime mover of technical analysis is a time series analysis of market prices, sometimes labelled as ‘descriptive statistics’ by statisticians. They then call all further analysis based on this data ‘inductive statistics’ which include forecasts, generalisations, and extrapolations.

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Posted in General, Markets
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