STA Meetings

You Join The STA To Be Better

STA monthly meetings are usually held at One Moorgate Place at 6.30pm, on the second Tuesday of each month.

2024 Dates and Maps

Members are asked to pre-book. Please log in or join the STA now to see more information.


STA Meetings

Usually only Full Members and Associate Members may attend the monthly STA meetings.
However, you may also attend a monthly STA meeting as a non-member, either as a guest of a member or by contacting and asking to be added to the guest list.

At the monthly meetings a technical analysts, broker or hedge fund manager etc. presents the latest techniques, research or forecasts using technical analysis. Each talk begins promptly at 6.30pm, lasts about 45 minutes and is followed by a 10-15 minute question and answer session. The evening is then followed by a networking drinks reception 7.30pm until 8.30pm.

The July and December meetings have always been viewed as more social occasions at which the Summer and Christmas ‘parties’ are held. At these events canapés are being served, together with the refreshments usually provided at monthly meetings. In previous years the talks at these ‘parties’ were also of a more light-hearted or historical nature, with an emphasis as much on entertainment as education.

Every alternate year an annual dinner is held at the National Liberal Club at Whitehall Place in London. This members as well as non-members can buy tickets for. It is a social evening in magnificent surroundings with an after dinner speaker and the use of a lovely terrace overlooking the Embankment and the Thames.

Members who cannot attend the monthly meetings in London can view these on the STA website a few days after the event. Following the success of live virtual webinars during the Coronovirus outbreak, a number of meetings are now run virtually. Meetings are recorded wherever possible for those unable to access in real time.

Future Meetings

now via
STA Monthly Meeting – November 2024

STA Monthly Meeting – November 2024

Tuesday 12th November 2024
via webinar
Increase Your Profits Systematically With Recurring Seasonalities and Cycles
Dimitri Speck
Founder, Seasonax
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STA Christmas Party & AGM

STA Christmas Party & AGM

Tuesday 10th December 2024
6:30 pm
STA Christmas Party & AGM
Steven Goldstein
Risk Performance Consultant, Alpha R Cubed Ltd
Add to calendar:


The STA has been holding monthly lectures and meetings in the City of London since 1968.
As a service to members we video most of the meeting presentations and these are available for members to view free of charge.

Regional Chapters

While the regular monthly STA meetings are held in London, there is also a chapter in Ireland. The Irish Chapter is being led by Alan Dunne.

Should you wish to get in touch with Alan Dunne or be interested in running an STA chapter, please contact Katie Abberton at

Chapters are supported by the STA Board and Administration, who help with mail shots, finance and, where possible, in the provision of speakers for the meetings.

Previously there have been occasional chapter meetings in other locations, notably in the Manchester area, but we are currently short of volunteers who would be prepared to organise such meetings ‘on the ground’.

If you would be interested in running a chapter in your area, please contact Katie at

STA Scotland, Northern England and Welsh Chapters

The STA is interested in promoting meetings in Scotland, North of England and in Wales. If you would like to participate in these as an Associate or a Full Member of the STA, please contact Katie Abberton at STA Administrative Services.

Not ready to join? Stay Updated

If you want to learn more about membership and being part of the STA, sign up for our updates so we can keep in touch.


Monthly Meetings

The STA holds 11 monthly meetings in the City of London, including a summer and Christmas party where canapés and refreshments are served.


Latest Videos

As a service to our members, many of whom are unable to attend all our monthly meetings, we have been making videos of meeting presentations for several years.


STA Libraries

The STA has an extensive library of classic technical analysis texts. There are over 1000 books in the collection. It is held at the Barbican Library with a smaller...


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