Exam Information
You Join The STA To Be Better
Our ‘gold standard’ technical analysis courses are held once a year, starting in October with the Part 1 course followed in January by the Part 2 course. Beginners to technical analysis are advised to complete both courses however those with more experience can progress directly onto the advanced Part 2 course*.
The most flexible way to become a qualified technical analyst is by completing our Home Study Course. You can choose how long to take to qualify as technical analyst based on the amount of time you have to dedicate to study each week. The home study course is designed for those who need a truly part-time study option with greater flexibility.
Full details on the above can be found on our education pages.
* In order to become fully qualified those wishing to only complete Diploma Part 2 must book and pass the Part 1 exam separately.
Candidates for the STA Diploma Part 1 and Part 2 exams sit the exams in their own personal space, under Zoom invigilation. All that is required is a PC/laptop with a camera, a mobile phone or iPad with camera and access to the internet. We give full guidance steering candidates through the process to ensure it is smooth on the day. Hear what past candiates say:
Thank you STA for doing a great job in organising the online exam. The Zoom Practice session, Zoom checklist and practice chart annotations PowerPoint which you previously sent out were very helpful in getting prepared for the online exam. The end of the course lectures on Zoom were very good and I am very glad I did the STA Part 2 course as well as the HSC given I am based in Dublin.”
“The STA made sitting the exam online a very straightforward process. We were given lots of direction on how to adapt to annotating charts using PowerPoint rather than by hand. On the day it all went very smoothly, so much so that we started and finished 10 minutes ahead of schedule.”
“Congratulations and well done to you and colleagues on getting the examinations completed online for the first time. I’m sure you’re as relieved as we students are to get it finished without a hitch. I thought it went remarkably well. The organisation was superb. Everything was handled with impeccable professionalism and I thought the whole process went very smoothly.”
We’re here to help: We take the time to really understand your goals, so if you need a bit of extra advice choosing the right course to suit your exact requirements – or have any questions – please contact a member of the STA team on info@technicalanalysts.com or call 020 7125 0038.
Reading List
Below you will find the reading list for all STA educational courses.
The STA is the professional body associated with technical analysis. We run annual courses for both experienced and novice analysts. Courses are held online via zoom and all teaching is by qualified STA members. The courses are accredited by the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) and eligible for CPD (Continuing Professional Development) points. The STA also teaches the Diploma courses in-house to postgrad students at King’s College London.

Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets
Murphy, John J.
New York Institute of Finance/Prentice Hall
Latest or current edition
John Murphy’s renowned book is essential reading for the beginner – and is also a core text for students progressing to Part 2 of the STA Diploma.

Technical Analysis Explained
Pring, Martin
Latest or current edition
Also immensely informative on a wide range of topics, written by another key figure in the world of technical analysis. More emphasis on momentum than Murphy; less detail on Elliott Wave.

Technical Analysis: The Complete Resource for Financial Market Technicians
Kirkpatrick, Charles D
Dahlquist, Julie R
Latest or current edition
An excellent complement to Murphy/Pring. In addition to core technical topics this book offers comprehensive sections on flow of funds, system trading and money management, and takes a brief look at statistics.

Cloud Charts: Trading Success with the Ichimoku Technique (chapter on Ichimoku)
Linton, David
Updata plc
Latest or current edition
The Ichimoku section takes the reader through a clear and systematic explanation of the technique, and is enhanced by a large selection of high quality charts.

Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques
Nison, Steve
New York Institute of Finance
Latest or current edition
Steve Nison introduced candlestick charting to the West in the late 1980s. This, the revised edition of his original book, remains the authoritative text.

Candlestick Charts
Lambert, Clive
Harriman House Ltd
Latest or current edition
Clive Lambert’s extensive trading experience and engaging writing style make this book an informative and enjoyable core text for market participants – and an excellent addition to Nison.

The Definitive Guide to Point and Figure
du Plessis, Jeremy
Harriman House Ltd
Latest or current edition
The title says it. Jeremy du Plessis’ book has become the definitive guide for students who want to develop a thorough understanding of this valuable technique.

Forecasting Financial Markets
Plummer, Tony
Kogan Page
Latest or current edition
Tony Plummer, who has worked in financial markets for more than 35 years, offers the student invaluable insights into crowd behaviour, the nature of cycles, and Fibonacci applications.

R N Elliott’s Masterworks, the Definitive Collection
Prechter, Robert
New Classic Library, a division of Elliott Wave International, Gainesville GA, USA
Latest or current edition
Edited by Robert Prechter, this expanded version of ‘The major Works of R.N. Elliott’ offers works previously out of print in addition to ‘The Wave Principle’ and ‘Nature’s Law – The Secret of the Universe’.

Ichimoku Charts: An Introduction to Ichimoku Kinko Clouds
Elliott, Nicole
Harriman House Ltd
Latest or current edition
Nicole Elliott’s 25 years’ experience of financial markets – both as analyst and trader – and ability to inject flashes of dry humour into her writing make the study of Ichimoku a pleasant as well as useful experience.

Breakthroughs in Technical Analysis (chapter on Gann)
Keller, David
Bloomberg Financial
Latest or current edition
David Keller’s compilation offers an impressive selection of expert views on a variety of topics. It includes a practical look at the complex – and often viewed as esoteric – ideas propounded by W.D. Gann.

Mastering Hurst Cycle Analysis
Grafton, Christopher
Harriman House Ltd
Latest or current edition
Christopher Grafton’s excellent book presents J.M Hurst’s ideas in clear and useable form.

21st Century Point & Figure
du Plessis, Jeremy
Harriman House Ltd
Latest or current edition
Suitable for the student who is already proficient in point and figure charting, this innovative book takes the technique to a whole new level.

Quantitative Trading Systems – Practical Methods for Design, Testing, and Validation.
Bandy, Dr. Howard B.
Blue Owl Press.
Dr. Bandy’s interesting book is a must read for anyone who wishes to develop a trading system.

The Handbook of Technical Analysis
Lim, Mark Andrew
Latest or current edition
‘Handbook’ is perhaps an understatement for such a comprehensive work, offering over 900 pages of perceptive and well thought-through teaching in just about every aspect of technical analysis. The author was joint winner of the Bronwen Wood Prize in 2007.

Valcu, Dan
Educofin Ltd
Latest or current edition
The clue to the technique is in the subtitle ‘How to trade without Candlestick Patterns.’ Heikin-Ashi candles offer trend rather than pattern analysis and Dan Valcu’s book shows how to identify and profit from trends.

Mind over Markets
Dalton, James/Jones, Eric/Dalton, Robert
Latest or current edition
An excellent explanation of the construction and practical application of Market Profile™.

Beyond Candlesticks
Nison, Steve
New York Institute of Finance
Latest or current edition
Beginning with revision of candlesticks, the author then explains three less well known Japanese chart types: three-line break, renko, and kagi. Practice sessions are offered at the end of each section to help the understanding of construction.

Elliott Wave Principle – Key to Market Behavior
Frost and Prechter
Latest or current edition
The definitive text on the Elliott Wave Principle remains core reading for students and practitioners alike.
Additional Reading
The Thirty-Second Jewel
Brown, Constance
Purchase directly from Aerodynamic Investments Inc
A huge volume, really more a course in W.D. Gann’s methods than a book, which ‘opens the suitcase’ to Gann’s world and his secrets, taking the reader immeasurably deeper than simply the fan lines and retracements so familiar to market technicians. David Watts MSTA called Constance Brown’s remarkable research ‘a Sherlock Holmes story of our time’.
Trader Vic: Methods of a Wall Street Master
Sperandeo, Victor
John Wiley & Sons Inc. Latest or current edition
A classic on the subject of investing.
Against the Gods – The Remarkable Story of Risk
Bernstein, Peter
John Wiley & Sons Inc. Latest or current edition
This widely acclaimed book is a fascinating exploration of the history of risk.
Unknown Market Wizards
Schwager, Jack
Harriman House
2020 edition
The latest in the Market Wizards series continues in the format of interviews with exceptionally successful traders – the difference here being that these traders are unknown in the investment world but have nonetheless achieved astonishing performance records.
Education Videos
Please find below three video clips of STA educational courses to give you a feeling of the type of lectures we teach at the London School of Economics and at Queen Mary University, London.
STA Diploma Level 1 Course on Candlesticks
This excerpt of a STA Diploma Part 1 Course video shows Clive Lambert giving a lecture on candlesticks. He is the founder of FuturesTechs, one of the UK’s leading and multi-award winning independent technical analysis companies, and author of the book “Candlestick Charts: An Introduction to using Candlestick Charts.”
STA Diploma Part 2 Course on Elliott Wave Principle
The above video clip shows Thomas Anthonj, former FX Technical Strategist at JPMorgan, explain the Elliott Wave Principle during a STA Diploma Part 2 lecture.
STA Diploma Part 2 Exam Preparation Session
This video is an excerpt of the STA Part 2 Exam Preparation Session which helps students pass the STA Diploma examination. In it Luise Kliem, who has worked as a technical analyst for Merrill Lynch, Commerzbank and Credit Suisse, explains how to analyse charts and write coherent reports.
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Monthly Meetings
The STA holds 11 monthly meetings in the City of London, including a summer and Christmas party where canapés and refreshments are served.
Latest Videos
As a service to our members, many of whom are unable to attend all our monthly meetings, we have been making videos of meeting presentations for several years.
STA Libraries
The STA has an extensive library of classic technical analysis texts. There are over 1000 books in the collection. It is held at the Barbican Library with a smaller...