The STA Blog - Tag: candles
Developments in Technical Analysis: Incremental improvements
Reading through my newly purchased book, Atlas of Finance compiled by Dariusz Wójcik and published by Yale University Press, I came across these candlestick charts profiling recoveries post the 2008 stock market crash. Labelled ‘advanced’, ‘emerging’ and ‘frontier’ markets, nothing […]
Tags: candles, Market Profile, oscillator, RSI, timing
Mind the Gap! As they say on the London Underground
Their trains come in two sizes: bigger, 8 carriage ones on the sub-surface lines and smaller 6 carriage ones for the deep tube lines (the local vernacular). This allows trains to flex but, in doing so, the centre of each […]
Tags: candles, gaps, patterns
Candles at night time: But wait and see what they look like first thing in the morning
In the 1960s my family lived in Rio de Janeiro which had sudden power cuts all too often; my sister and I regularly did our homework and then had dinner by candlelight. Homes, rich and in the poor favelas, had […]
Tags: candles, patience, time
Mind the Gap! ‘Support, Resistance – Hidden Gaps and other Methods’
February’s STA Monthly Meeting was yesterday, Tuesday the 9th, via Zoom webinar. The guest speaker was Clive Lambert, vice-Chair of our society, also on its education and marketing committees, and an IFTA board member. We have all heard about […]
Tags: All Session, candles, gaps, Market Profile, Vacuum
‘That Was the Year that Was’ And a happy New Year to all STA members and followers
An album of satirical songs recorded live by Tim Lehrer in 1965, and originally written for NBC’s TV series ‘That Was the Week that Was’, somehow it sums up the year of the pandemic. But that’s not what I’m thinking […]
Tags: candles, long term view, percentages
Bespoke Advent calendar for technical analysts: Virtual, of course
Woke up this morning in a bit of a flap; had forgotten to get an advent calendar for my daughter. Brain kicks in and I realise my daughter is a grown up and lives abroad. However, she had remembered to […]
Tags: candles, Countdown, Daily Charts, Festivities
Price matters, but Process more so: A lecture by Andy Dodd MSTA of Louis Capital Markets
Introducing himself as an Essex boy who speaks very fast – which he does – and someone not used to giving professional lectures, he’s so engaging the talk went swimming along nicely. He started with a slide his compliance department insisted he must include; every salesman’s bane. Then followed a brief outline of his career since 1986, of which Instinet was the longest stint. It took him a little while to truly embrace technical analysis, he says, because he’d heard, ‘’every galleon at the bottom of the ocean has a chart room’’.
Tags: candles, Closing Levels, Paper Trading, percentages
Charting the Markets on IG TV: Victoria Scholar interviews Patricia Elbaz
The sixth in our series of educational videos produced by spread betting firm IG, university lecturer and technical analyst at Financial Trends, Patricia Elbaz, rattles through five key markets. Clear candlestick charts are used – daily and weekly ones – […]
Tags: candles, Doji, moving average, Sentiment, Technical Analylsis Course
Dan tips up on pancake day: STA monthly meeting 13th Feb 2018
Industry veteran Daniel Gramza’s address at our new address, the Walkie Talkie building at 20 Fenchurch Street, London EC2M 7QH, was eagerly anticipated. He reminded us that once before he had travelled to Britain from his native Chicago to address […]
Bumping into Heikin Ashi: Pleased to meet you
At November’s STA monthly meeting we were treated to a very interesting talk by motivational coach Steve Ward (do watch the video which is now on the STA website). But there was an added extra in store for me over […]
Tags: averaging, candles, noise, volatility
Big bars and candles: How to interpret them
They’re easy to spot, but do we really know what they mean? October saw strong rallies in many equity indices and it got me thinking. First reactions are shock and awe, glee too, but digging a little deeper are the […]
Tags: candles, Market Profile, Point & Figure, volume
Colouring candles: Conventions and perception
In the olden days charts were kept by hand. Graph paper was usually white, though sometimes pale green was preferred as it is said to be easier on the eye. Sharpened pencils at the ready the working day started and […]
An old-fashioned line chart For today’s volatility
Only economists use line charts. We technical analysts have developed far more sophisticated methods, first bar charts, then bar charts with opening and closing levels which morphed into candlesticks, not forgetting those with no time scale along the bottom like Point & Figure, Renko, and the Japanese Three Line Break.
Tags: bar chart, candles, FX, line chart, options, volatility
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