The STA Blog - Tag: bar chart

Pitchforks at the ready! Just in case Brexit really gets going

I’m not talking French Revolution or anything like that – at least I hope not – but to tie in with this week’s IG TV interview with Eddie Tofpik MSTA, Senior Markets Analysts at ADMISI, where he makes extensive use […]

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Posted in Finance, Markets, STA news, Technical Analysis, Trading, Trending
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Nicole Elliott Interview series: Anne Whitby FSTA

Anne Whitby FSTA kicks off our series of interviews with leading technical analysts. As part of our social media programme, and in an effort to help and educate budding professional and amateur chartists, this series aims at giving a light-hearted […]

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Posted in General, STA charts, Technical Analysis
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An old-fashioned line chart For today’s volatility

Only economists use line charts.  We technical analysts have developed far more sophisticated methods, first bar charts, then bar charts with opening and closing levels which morphed into candlesticks, not forgetting those with no time scale along the bottom like Point & Figure, Renko, and the Japanese Three Line Break.

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Posted in Finance, Markets, STA news, Technical Analysis, Trading
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