STA Blog

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The STA Blog - Page 25

Coinciding with currency wars – Rebasing charts

We all know that the euro is plummeting, it’s status as the most hated currency in a long time well established.  But what’s it doing relative to other currencies around the globe?  When some are quoted as US dollars per unit of currency, like the euro, and others as currency per US dollar, like the Japanese yen, how can we compare this frankly motley lot?

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Notes and thoughts from the latest STA meeting

Reporting from the lecture given by Yann Cordier on the 10th March 2015, who had kindly torn himself away from his interesting job at Axa Investment Managers in Paris, something of a ‘back to the future’ theme emerged.

The main thrust of his focus was the relative strength of different sectors of the stock market.  Not to be confused with the Relative Strength Index used by technical analysts (RSI), his technique looks at relative outperformance of one security against another one; the ratio between the two compares winners with losers.  This sort of thing has been used for a very long time by stockbrokers when comparing a share to the performance of the index it is included in.

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New features for the STA web site

Unnerving times in the markets and the Society of Technical Analysts has some exciting developments up its sleeve to help you manoeuvre the potholes and avoid the pitfalls of these extraordinary financial times.  We continue to improve the website, both its content and style, and would welcome members’ feedback.

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