The STA Blog - STA news - Page 11

The Old Lady banks on Alan Turing: The new face of the (polymer) £50 note

At Threadneedle Street they’ve been working on their social media profile avidly for the last year or so. For the launch of the new £50 pound note they’re in overdrive, an opportunity to show off their softer side. For the […]

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Murray’s minted performance: In tune with our summer party mood

Murray Gunn, currently with Elliott Wave International and previously head of technical analysis at HSBC, told us his talk would last between 30 and 45 minutes. Timed to perfection, he wound up his presentation after 37 minutes commenting on the […]

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Another warm evening for the JP Morgan Challenge: Didn’t stop Team STA from raising money for Cancer UK

Rocking up in time – appropriately on the 4th of July –  at the Prince Albert pub by Battersea Park, ready to perform my cloakroom attendant duties, Mark Tennyson d’Eyncourt and Rajan Dhall had already nabbed the best table in […]

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When oscillators lie: We often call it divergence

As John Maynard Keynes famously said, ‘’the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent’’. Markets can also, unlike leopards, change their spots, moving from crushingly boring and lethargic for months to quite the raging tiger. This has […]

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Joshua Mahony on IG TV: Charting the Markets on a busy Friday in June

Friday’s regular Charting the Markets slot on Friday the 21st June was covered by IG’s in-house analyst Joshua Mahony. Taking a broad sweep through indices, foreign exchange and commodities, he saved the best until the end. Gold, where the ratio […]

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Do you know Aroon? I do, but not very well

I’m not one to promote or push one form or another of technical analysis – especially when it comes to oscillators. I find the choice of what to use – and what’s rubbish – can lead to heated arguments. Personally, […]

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Tom Hicks and Robert Carver’s ‘fireside chat’: In June and no fireplace

The two have a lot in common, as do I, who also switched between banking and a commodity broker who ran one of the first hedge funds – with a stint of proprietary trading along the way.  However, unlike Robert, […]

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Framing and tunnel vision: How do you see gold?

Gold bugs are probably a happy bunch this month, as suddenly the spot price of the precious metal on the wholesale markets has perked up considerably. Not surprising really, what with Trump tariffs, trade wars, sagging stock markets and shrivelling […]

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Office Politics at City AM: Short, sweet and to the point

I’m lucky in that outside my local tube station there is a metal stand dispensing the City AM newspaper – along with hundreds of Metro ones which aren’t even picked up; does editor George Osborne not understand waste and climate […]

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A specialist’s video from IG: Focusing on hammer and hanging men candles

Today, 24th May, as PM Theresa May tenders a weepy resignation, producer and presenter Jeremy Naylor of IG TV interviews Lee Sandford of His focus is on the hammer candlestick, which some confuse with the hanging man – one […]

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Tim Harford OBE: The undercover economist

I’ve read the Financial Times newspaper for longer than I care to admit. Over the years our relationship has had its ups and downs, me favouring some writers over others, complaining about coverage of certain topics, and shocked by the […]

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Julius de Kempenaer on IG TV: Interview with Jeremy Naylor for Charting the Markets

Yesterday, Thursday the 16th May 2019, founder of introduced viewers to this interesting system comparing the relative performance of equity groups. This is not the Relative Strength Index (RSI) that we all know and many use, but a way […]

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‘Price doesn’t align to time’: Read about Kevin Bull’s presentation Tuesday 14 May

Interesting to hear that Kevin dedicated himself full time to the study of technical analysis in 2009 and passed the STA Diploma exam in 2010; congratulations, say members and fellows. His first year’s trading foreign exchange resulted in losses, and […]

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Picking your moving averages apart: tweaking versus crossovers

If I use moving averages at all – and these are certainly not one of my preferred technical analysis tools – I opt for the 9 and 26-period ones of the Ichimoku cloud system; I will also use a crossover […]

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An educational and entertaining video from IG: More Charting the Markets

On Tuesday 7th May producer and presenter Jeremy Naylor of IG TV writes this of the episode:  ‘Eddie Tofpik of ADM ISI uses his charts SPX, EURUSD, GBPUSD & Nymex. We discuss the Andrews Pitchfork (as well as the modified […]

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Watch with IG TV: Charting the Markets

Another of the STA’s educational offerings, here is a programme with Josh Mahoney MSTA, Senior Market Analyst at IG TV on their regular daily Charting the Markets series. Underlining the calibre of IG presenters’ understanding of financial markets, Josh earned […]

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Don’t cry for me Argentina: Just look at our stock market

I’ve gone and given the game away. I was going to get you to guess what my first chart was about, but was too tempted to use the line Elaine Page sang in her iconic role in the musical Evita […]

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Watch with IG TV: Charting the Markets

As part of the STA’s educational offering, here is today’s interview (24th April 2019) with Nicole Elliott FSTA on IG TV for their regular programme. Interviewed by Victoria Scholar, IG presenter and producer, who is also currently studying for the […]

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The fine line between maths, logic and technical analysis: Don’t chuck the whole lot out

In this week’s Investors Chronicle column I’m writing about the very basics of approaching charts for technical analysis. My extensive reader-base is well above average age, has well above average income and assets, and often has well entrenched views. Not […]

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Gann going on and on: Grips a sceptical audience

Softly spoken, Canadian educated engineer Connie (Constance) Brown CFTe MFTA spoke at our monthly meeting as part of her European tour, which includes Sweden and Switzerland. Promising a tempting array of goodies for STA members, including a free online Q&A […]

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