The STA Blog - STA news - Page 7

‘Long Term Forecasting using Interdisciplinary Price Analysis (IPA)’: A presentation by Tom Bundgaard of Kairos Commodities

My heart sort of sank when it was announced that his system involved technical analysis, fundamental analysis and macroeconomics; not only that, these were then integrated in three dimensions. Things looked up when Jeff Boccaccio MSTA introduced him, and Tom […]

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Hello darkness my old friend: I’ve come to talk with you again…

‘The song [written by Paul Simon when he was 21 years old] makes an allusion to the extreme capitalism and consumerism that is suffocating society – “the people bowed and prayed to the neon god they made” (neon represents the […]

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‘Zoom fatigue’: As coined by Jeremy Bailenson of Stanford Virtual Human Interaction Lab

If you weren’t already a little wary of anyone working with Artificial Intelligence, pushing crypto-currencies, calling themselves a ‘disruptor’, then how are you left feeling about this chap’s organisation? It’s not as scary as you might fear. As per their […]

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The World for Sale: Money, Power and the Traders who Barter the Earth’s Resources

This book’s title has a little in it for just about everyone. Money, power (including political), avarice, swindling – not forgetting deforestation and climate change. I recently read its review, by Felix Martin of fund manager 1167 Capital, in FT […]

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How deep is your knowledge of charts? Why a wide range of reading material helps

I’ve always enjoyed reading and, more importantly, widely. Never confining myself to one genre of literature, or tunnelling into my specialist subject, I’ve roamed far and wide, especially when it comes to current media. Daily and evening newspapers, free weekly […]

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Niels Kaastrup-Larsen in conversation with Alistair Philip: With an emphasis on systematic trading and trend following

March’s STA Monthly Meeting was yesterday, Tuesday the 9th, via Zoom webinar. Introduced by Jeff Boccaccio (who apologised for his long hair) our guest speaker, Niels Kaastrup-Larsen in Zug, Switzerland, was looking very dapper with neat greying hair, while his […]

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Price, price relative, and spreads: Variations on a price chart

As pointed out a fortnight ago in the STA blog, I believe that Charles Dow’s third tenet, that the market discounts all news, is the most important of his six. Put it another way, price contains all current knowledge, expectations […]

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‘Global Outlook and the Minsky Risk’: A presentation by Ron William CFTe MSTA for IFTA

I was 13 minutes late for yesterday’s (25th February 2021) IFTA webinar presentation hosted by Wieland Arlt, board member of Germany’s VTAD technical analysis society. I felt terrible as I’d recently heard that a job-seeker’s interview had been immediately terminated […]

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Dow Theory – in case you’ve forgotten: Digging a little deeper to banish glib assumptions

My father is Charles Dow – yes really; Charles Robert Dow, not the one you’re probably thinking of. Charles Henry Dow (1851-1902) is way too old, old enough to be my great grandfather. He’s not, but he’s certainly considered the […]

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How to present yourself: In the Working From Home world

Let’s face it, those who can WFH are among the luckier ones in the current – and ongoing for too long – pandemic. The set-up may suit some, and not others, depending on the domestic situation and physical space; but it has made us all re-think priorities and re-write our wish-list.

Up-to-date connectivity and technology (which one is confident using) are key, so much so that some politicians are suggesting these should be made basic citizens’ rights, much like clean water and efficient sewage. Personally I would also suggest that a decent desk and good chair to work at, hopefully with enough space, light and quiet, are too.

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IFTA presents: ‘The Rising Star Ichimoku Strategy’ by Sankar Sharma

Members of the UK’s Society of Technical Analysts should have received a monthly newsletter with details of upcoming events, news and fixtures. If, for some reason you didn’t receive one, do email to make sure you’re added to their […]

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‘That Was the Year that Was’ And a happy New Year to all STA members and followers

An album of satirical songs recorded live by Tim Lehrer in 1965, and originally written for NBC’s TV series ‘That Was the Week that Was’, somehow it sums up the year of the pandemic. But that’s not what I’m thinking […]

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‘How we get what we value’: In this difficult December

On Saturday, the 12th December, I went up into the loft to get down the Christmas decorations. Unsure as to whether I’d get it all sorted in a day, I started with the wreath on the door. Then, if I […]

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Christmas Quiz goes off with a bang!: And a lot of tricky questions

The year 2020 has been like no other – that I can remember – and the festive season is too. A time when corporate and social entertainment goes into full swing, the pandemic has put paid to all that. Well, […]

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Bespoke Advent calendar for technical analysts: Virtual, of course

Woke up this morning in a bit of a flap; had forgotten to get an advent calendar for my daughter. Brain kicks in and I realise my daughter is a grown up and lives abroad. However, she had remembered to […]

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Black Friday: The English may be shedding tears as Tiering is worse than full lockdown

As a very difficult year limps into its last lap, the toll to health, sanity and the economy is probably far higher than many would admit to. Imprisoned in our homes, worried about job prospects, barely able to socialise, exercise […]

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Bubbles, busts, and how to spot them: Books at bedtime

Rather than chamomile tea and a collection of soothing fairy tales for your night table, I have better ideas as to what you should read this winter. Not horror stories or fantasy gladiators, but cautionary tales; sort of in the […]

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A fireside chat with author Jack D Schwager: He of Market Wizards fame

Hosted by Steven Goldstein, and timed to coincide with the launch of his latest book, this eagerly awaited event aired yesterday the 10th November 2020 with only the tiniest glitch. Of interest was that this (virtual) STA monthly meeting was […]

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All eyes on the USA: Just in time for the elections

No, I’m not going to attempt so-called expert coverage of the ins and outs of Democrats versus Republicans and their leanings. We have seen how very badly the pollsters have done here and, more worryingly, with scientists’ predictions of the […]

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IFTA 33rd Annual Conference: Held over 24 hours on the 24th October 2020 with 24 expert speakers

This year’s International Federation of Technical Analysts annual conference was due to take place in Philadelphia, hosted by AAPTA. With travel restrictions and limits on the number of participants at meetings due to the Covid-19 virus, it couldn’t go ahead. […]

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