STA Blog

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The STA Blog - Page 7

Stupid spikes and Johnny-come-latelies : follow on from extreme rectangles (last week’s blog)

Almost 40 years ago I started on my quest to learn about derivatives markets and how to use technical analysis on their price charts. My ‘speciality’ – if one can call it that – was being a few steps ahead […]

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Extreme rectangles: Far more interesting than existing trends

Years ago a very pushy journalist from India’s Hindustan Times badgered me for the opportunity to look around our London dealing room and quiz me about my views on financial markets. Eventually, against my better judgement, I caved in to […]

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Posted in Finance, General, Markets, STA news, Technical Analysis, Technical Analysis Courses, Trading, Trending
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‘Trading an adapted Gann Theory in the 21st Century’: Yesterday’s (8th June 2021) polished presentation for the STA

Delivered via webinar, the technology ‘du jour’ of the 2020s, Dr Alexander Aburumieh was confident, presentable and speaking very elegant English from Vienna. His biography is brief: trained as a physician at Vienna’s Medical School, he left the profession in […]

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Emerging markets and growing pains: None invited to next week’s G7 meeting in Cornwall

The countries which make up the G7 ( Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom and USA) have met each year since the 1970s. The 2021 summit will be the 47th meeting to take place and the first to be […]

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The new delights of working from home (WFH): Nuisance calls, phishing and fraud

I’ve rearranged some of my living arrangements so that I have a decent space to work in – luckily unhindered by kids or extended family – upgraded my internet access to BT’s latest 5C offering (the mobile phone is not […]

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‘Trading with footprint charts’: IFTA presentation by Peter Becker

Herr Becker is a very personable and confident man; he apologises for his (very slightly) broken English – but there really is no need. He is also an optimist, with a 3-year old and a 5-month old children to bring […]

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‘New Thought on Market Profile’: Trading the Flow of Control

Robin Mesch, President of Mesch Capital Management INC of Portland, Oregon, gave an excellent presentation at yesterday’s (11 May 2021) STA Monthly Meeting. Her speciality is Market Profile, learnt first hand from its developer Peter Steidlmayer, who also set up […]

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Posted in Finance, Markets, STA charts, STA news, Technical Analysis Courses, Trading, Trending
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‘How to Plan for an Emergency’: A webinar, part of Financial Literacy Month

I’ve been using Reuters news and terminal products since 1982; I still do. The company has now rebranded itself as Refinitiv – Financial Solutions-Advanced Tech, Data, Expertise. Owned by the London Stock Exchange Group since 2018 when Thomson Reuters sold […]

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Markets, motion and moving averages: Alternative options for a perennial favourite

All and sundry use moving averages, wittingly or unwittingly. A long-standing tool of choice for many technical analysts, the method, in its many guises, is used by other financial professionals, laymen and statisticians around the globe. Take UK consumer prices […]

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‘Long Term Forecasting using Interdisciplinary Price Analysis (IPA)’: A presentation by Tom Bundgaard of Kairos Commodities

My heart sort of sank when it was announced that his system involved technical analysis, fundamental analysis and macroeconomics; not only that, these were then integrated in three dimensions. Things looked up when Jeff Boccaccio MSTA introduced him, and Tom […]

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Hello darkness my old friend: I’ve come to talk with you again…

‘The song [written by Paul Simon when he was 21 years old] makes an allusion to the extreme capitalism and consumerism that is suffocating society – “the people bowed and prayed to the neon god they made” (neon represents the […]

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‘Zoom fatigue’: As coined by Jeremy Bailenson of Stanford Virtual Human Interaction Lab

If you weren’t already a little wary of anyone working with Artificial Intelligence, pushing crypto-currencies, calling themselves a ‘disruptor’, then how are you left feeling about this chap’s organisation? It’s not as scary as you might fear. As per their […]

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The World for Sale: Money, Power and the Traders who Barter the Earth’s Resources

This book’s title has a little in it for just about everyone. Money, power (including political), avarice, swindling – not forgetting deforestation and climate change. I recently read its review, by Felix Martin of fund manager 1167 Capital, in FT […]

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How deep is your knowledge of charts? Why a wide range of reading material helps

I’ve always enjoyed reading and, more importantly, widely. Never confining myself to one genre of literature, or tunnelling into my specialist subject, I’ve roamed far and wide, especially when it comes to current media. Daily and evening newspapers, free weekly […]

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Niels Kaastrup-Larsen in conversation with Alistair Philip: With an emphasis on systematic trading and trend following

March’s STA Monthly Meeting was yesterday, Tuesday the 9th, via Zoom webinar. Introduced by Jeff Boccaccio (who apologised for his long hair) our guest speaker, Niels Kaastrup-Larsen in Zug, Switzerland, was looking very dapper with neat greying hair, while his […]

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Price, price relative, and spreads: Variations on a price chart

As pointed out a fortnight ago in the STA blog, I believe that Charles Dow’s third tenet, that the market discounts all news, is the most important of his six. Put it another way, price contains all current knowledge, expectations […]

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‘Global Outlook and the Minsky Risk’: A presentation by Ron William CFTe MSTA for IFTA

I was 13 minutes late for yesterday’s (25th February 2021) IFTA webinar presentation hosted by Wieland Arlt, board member of Germany’s VTAD technical analysis society. I felt terrible as I’d recently heard that a job-seeker’s interview had been immediately terminated […]

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Dow Theory – in case you’ve forgotten: Digging a little deeper to banish glib assumptions

My father is Charles Dow – yes really; Charles Robert Dow, not the one you’re probably thinking of. Charles Henry Dow (1851-1902) is way too old, old enough to be my great grandfather. He’s not, but he’s certainly considered the […]

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Mind the Gap! ‘Support, Resistance – Hidden Gaps and other Methods’

  February’s STA Monthly Meeting was yesterday, Tuesday the 9th, via Zoom webinar. The guest speaker was Clive Lambert, vice-Chair of our society, also on its education and marketing committees, and an IFTA board member. We have all heard about […]

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Coincidence, correlation and confluence: Looking at the US stock market from three different angles

In the last week of January US stocks and their indices saw volatility pick up sharply. Mainstream media, which often overlooks business news in favour of something political – or better still gory – at long last jumped on the […]

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