The STA Blog - Trading - Page 5

‘A Chartists View of the Markets 2022’: Webinar by Greg Schnell for IFTA

Call me old-fashioned, but I rather like it when people tell me they work with charts – rather than that they are a technical analyst. This month’s webinar from the International Federation of Technical Analysts (IFTA) was delivered succinctly by […]

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Posted in Finance, Markets, STA news, Technical Analysis, Technical Analysis Courses, Trading
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Tour de force from a veteran with pedigree: Tom McClellan on Market Breadth

One of the many excellent international speakers the STA has invited to our webinar-based monthly meetings, now billed as ‘Ask the Expert Series’, with Tom we get to hear things straight from the horse’s mouth. Editor of The McClellan Market […]

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Posted in Finance, General, Markets, STA news, Technical Analysis Courses, Trading, Trending
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Jittery January markets face the Fed and US Q4 GDP: Against a background of high inflation and a record trade deficit

US equity indices kicked off 2022 with an anxiety-driven down draft – not downward dog. This week they faced a two-day Federal Reserve meeting, one which had been threatening ‘gradual’ interest rate rises; Wednesday evening financial markets were told that […]

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IFTA blows in with a fresh blast from South East Asia: New Year panel debate from the region

A live on-line presentation (Monday 17th January 2022) from five regional analysts, it was cleverly timed to start ay 17:00 local time, 09:00 GMT – both very convenient choices – but not so lucky for those on the US East […]

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For those who missed it: STA Annual General Meeting and Christmas Quiz

Yesterday, Tuesday the 14th December, the STA was due to have a live, in-person AGM and Christmas party with drinks and canapés at One Moorgate. Unlike those at 10 Downing Street in December last year, we didn’t break any rules, […]

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Posted in Finance, Markets, STA news, Technical Analysis, Trading, Trending
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Don’t get bogged down watching the same old markets: Broaden your horizons and add to your knowledge

A famous quote I love is this one from Eleanor Roosevelt: ‘I think, at a child’s birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift should be curiosity.’ A firm […]

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Posted in Finance, Markets, STA charts, STA news, Technical Analysis Courses, Trading, Trending
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Barrage of data ahead of US Thanksgiving: With Thursday’s holiday and Black Friday to come

As part of our series looking at how financial markets prepare and react to economic data, I’ve picked today – Wednesday the 24th November 2021 – because lots of US data meets a long weekend. This can often lead to […]

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‘Ten Key Asset Allocation Questions into Spring 2022’: An IFTA webinar by Jean-Francois Owczarczak CFTe

I felt I had to dash and write up an excellent webinar presentation this afternoon courtesy of IFTA, introduced by Bruce Fraser and co-hosted by Ron William. Jean-Francois is CEO of Management Joint Trust SA, 1 Rue de Hesse, 1204 […]

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A fireside chat – and some charts: With John Bollinger, hosted by Jeff Boccaccio

I had high hopes for this latest in the STA’s International Speaker virtual tour; the session was clear, lively, and better than I had thought possible. STA members are urged to view and review it as soon as the video […]

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Market reaction to UK September Consumer Price Inflation

Released Wednesday 20th October 2021 at 07:00 BST For months, nay years, inflation has not been a talking point of the chattering classes; now suddenly it is. From retail prices growing negligibly – or even negatively – for the best […]

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‘Applying macro fundamentals to short-term trading’: By Anthony Cheung

Anthony is Director and Head of Market Analysis at proprietary trading and EdTech firm, Amplify Trading. Tackling global macro strategies across asset classes, he has over 14 years experience in covering EU, US, Asia-Pacific time zones across FX, equity, fixed […]

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Energy Trading Week: In conjunction with

Timed to perfection – as even mainstream news cottoned on to the effect soaring wholesale energy prices would have on retail and business customers – the hybrid conference (part via video link and part in person) kicked off at Chelsea […]

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STA Freedom Party: Something to celebrate

On one of my rare trips into town since lockdown version one, masked, I ventured onto the tube to the Embankment and popped round the corner to the majestic building of the National Liberal Club. The setting of many STA […]

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New Lessons from Brain Science: and how they inform risk taking

A presentation by Denise Shull herself on The Shull Method for STA members on Tuesday the 14th September 2021. She started off in finance in 1994 in Chicago at Schonfeld Securities subsequently moving to Sharpe Capital in New York. In […]

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Market reaction to EU July Industrial Production

Released Wednesday 15th September 09:00 GMT Covid-19 caused the biggest global economic slump In at least a generation, if not a century. It’s no wonder that all too many – economists, politicians and the general public – are searching for […]

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The Gamification of Trades: US Securities & Exchange Commission warning

On the afternoon before the UK’s August Bank Holiday, and ahead of Monday’s US Labour Day vacation, Gary Gensler, current chair of the SEC, called for more powers to oversee crypto exchanges. Dubbed by the Financial Times newspaper as the […]

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Tips from an expert on Public Speaking: And how to master a Zoom presentation

I rate my local council and since lockdown I’ve been even more impressed. Their Enterprise Team have upped their game to create and disseminate local jobs for local people, and have introduced a series of schemes aimed at helping small […]

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‘Trend Following – A Complete Edge for the Private Investor, Part II’: An IFTA webinar presented by Zaheer Anwari

Introduced by Ron William, Zaheer is co-founder of Sublime Trading which he describes as a ‘’community mentoring professionals’’. The first part of this presentation was delivered on the 15th July 2021 and IFTA member affiliates can view this via video. […]

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Market reaction to US July Consumer Price Inflation:

Released Wednesday 11th August 12:30 GMT With inflation being the financial markets’ biggest worry since February, and acres of print being given over to discussions as to whether central banks are correct in labelling it ‘transitory’, no wonder this data […]

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Trend Following – A Complete Edge for the Private Investor

A presentation for IFTA by Zaheer Anwari on the 15th July 2021 Co-Founder of Sublime Trading since 2018, Zaheer has been an STA member for some time and has given a similar presentation to the STA when we could meet […]

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