The STA Blog - STA news - Page 18

The Fibonacci Numerical Sequence and Golden Ratio

An introduction to the Italian mathematician, Leonardo Fibonacci (circa 1170-1250), will be dispensed with as the man is less relevant to this article than what he documented in his 13th century book Liber Abaci: namely his discovery of the Hindu number sequence […]

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Local lad done good: Careers to be proud of

Lambeth born Lee Sandford started as an apprentice for Portsmouth Football Club at the age of 13 on just over 13 quid a week.  By 17 he’d turned professional working his way through to Stoke City and Sheffield United.  While […]

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Is it a bull? Or is it a bear?

We all know that it takes opposing opinions to make a market; that prices will change as these shift, sometimes slowly, dramatically at other times.  Brexit was perhaps a good example of received wisdom taking a real hit.  Some suggest […]

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Ratios and spreads: Ways to compare

This week’s report by the Institute of Fiscal Studies into the difference between men and women’s pay was all too predictable and just as disappointing.  Precious little progress in narrowing the gap not just in hourly pay, but promotion prospects […]

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Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction

In a lengthy study devised and written up by social psychologist Philip Tetlock and author Dan Gardner, thousands of laymen were pitted against ‘experts’ to see who could make the most accurate predictions, and with what degree of confidence. The […]

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Chaikin chalks it up: Speaks about his oscillator

One of the few economists that I follow, with his own web site, sent me this yesterday.  Sorry it’s so last-minute (dot com) but I just thought it might be worth a look.  I’ve been using Marc’s oscillator for […]

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Commodity Channel Index Not forgotten

Yesterday I was invited for an interview at a business television programme.  As per the form of the last twenty years (when this terrified technical analyst first appeared on camera) I emailed over my charts beforehand, complete with trend lines, […]

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STA Summer Party: Continues with Philip Gray

The STA’s annual summer party was a real treat with the awarding of Diplomas to this year’s successful students followed by a presentation by an eminent speaker, then drinks and lots of nice nibbles for all later.  An excellent turnout […]

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STA Summer Party: plus Diploma Awards

Before we tell you about the STA’s annual summer party, and before you hear about the riveting presentation given by Philip Gray FSTA focusing on Chinese markets, we have to tell you about the first part of the evening.  This […]

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Mantras peddled by the fund management industry: Spot and avoid

The wild gyrations in global markets since the Brexit vote to leave the EU have brought out the best and the worst in markets and pundits.  Volatility in UK shares following the vote to leave the EU is “no reason […]

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The Inner Lives of Markets: How People Shape them and they Shape Us

In last week’s blog we covered David Sneddon’s talk at the STA’s June monthly meeting.  You can read this on where members can also view a video recording of the presentation.  Starting with a proprietary risk asset tool designed […]

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Sneddon sets us thinking: STA firm favourite

We welcomed back to our monthly meeting one of our members’ favourite speakers: David Sneddon, MD global strategy TA at Credit Suisse in London where he has been working for about twenty years – technical analysis is really his life’s […]

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Long term charts: Like gold dust

Throughout my career I have placed an inordinate value on long term charts.  In this day and age of on-line information, where allegedly everything is available at the touch of a button, scratch a little and you’ll find this is […]

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Gloomy technical analysts get press coverage

Earlier this year – mid-February to be precise – the Weekend FT’s Money section printed an article by John Dizard.  Considered one of their more serious commentators, the piece was entitled ‘Technical analysts have a pretty gloomy outlook for risk […]

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Gann again: A great trader

Recent work of mine on Fibonacci, inspired in part by the mathematical garden at the Chelsea Flower Show (designed by silver gilt winner and head gardener at the Chelsea Physic Garden Nick Bailey), started me thinking about magical numbers.  These […]

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Bank underground: An STA shortcut?

Not the quickest route to the STA’s monthly meeting but the Bank of England’s blog for staff to share views. When Dan Nixon of the Stakeholders Communications & Strategy division writes thus: Economic theory generally assumes that more consumption […]

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The value of volatility: Measures and comparisons

Approached by an STA member recently at a monthly meeting, he showed me a very interesting report by FTSE Russell, an organisation producing equity benchmarks and research on these, wholly owned by the London Stock Exchange Group.  Of the five […]

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Come to the monthly meeting: But leave your ego at home

Yesterday Thomas Anthonj of JP Morgan Securities, Ltd. was invited back to tell STA members more about his successful systematic trading method which is based on Elliott Wave theory and Fibonacci applications.  As a foreign exchange strategist for the firm […]

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Looking ahead: With stats or a crystal ball

All of us would probably like to know what’ll happen next; it’d make life so much easier, knowing what to prepare for and when – no doubt leading to a more fulfilling, if not accepting/fatalistic existence.  Mind you, pity the […]

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Of predictive value: yes or no?

Very recently I came across this chart of the S&P 500 index.  It shows the major downturns it has seen four times since the 1970’s, where each one starts at a theoretical 1 (or 100 per cent).  Every one of […]

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