The STA Blog - Markets - Page 6

‘Applying macro fundamentals to short-term trading’: By Anthony Cheung

Anthony is Director and Head of Market Analysis at proprietary trading and EdTech firm, Amplify Trading. Tackling global macro strategies across asset classes, he has over 14 years experience in covering EU, US, Asia-Pacific time zones across FX, equity, fixed […]

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Energy Trading Week: In conjunction with

Timed to perfection – as even mainstream news cottoned on to the effect soaring wholesale energy prices would have on retail and business customers – the hybrid conference (part via video link and part in person) kicked off at Chelsea […]

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STA Freedom Party: Something to celebrate

On one of my rare trips into town since lockdown version one, masked, I ventured onto the tube to the Embankment and popped round the corner to the majestic building of the National Liberal Club. The setting of many STA […]

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New Lessons from Brain Science: and how they inform risk taking

A presentation by Denise Shull herself on The Shull Method for STA members on Tuesday the 14th September 2021. She started off in finance in 1994 in Chicago at Schonfeld Securities subsequently moving to Sharpe Capital in New York. In […]

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Market reaction to EU July Industrial Production

Released Wednesday 15th September 09:00 GMT Covid-19 caused the biggest global economic slump In at least a generation, if not a century. It’s no wonder that all too many – economists, politicians and the general public – are searching for […]

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The Gamification of Trades: US Securities & Exchange Commission warning

On the afternoon before the UK’s August Bank Holiday, and ahead of Monday’s US Labour Day vacation, Gary Gensler, current chair of the SEC, called for more powers to oversee crypto exchanges. Dubbed by the Financial Times newspaper as the […]

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‘Trend Following – A Complete Edge for the Private Investor, Part II’: An IFTA webinar presented by Zaheer Anwari

Introduced by Ron William, Zaheer is co-founder of Sublime Trading which he describes as a ‘’community mentoring professionals’’. The first part of this presentation was delivered on the 15th July 2021 and IFTA member affiliates can view this via video. […]

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Market reaction to US July Consumer Price Inflation:

Released Wednesday 11th August 12:30 GMT With inflation being the financial markets’ biggest worry since February, and acres of print being given over to discussions as to whether central banks are correct in labelling it ‘transitory’, no wonder this data […]

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Trend Following – A Complete Edge for the Private Investor

A presentation for IFTA by Zaheer Anwari on the 15th July 2021 Co-Founder of Sublime Trading since 2018, Zaheer has been an STA member for some time and has given a similar presentation to the STA when we could meet […]

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Moderated by Gavin Wells of 360TGTX Swaps strategy, 13th July 2021 Gavin expertly managed to round up the trio of likely lads who had bravely faced off at our annual January fundamental versus technical analysts’ session of forecasts for the […]

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Market reaction to US June non-farm payroll data: Released Friday 2nd July 12:30 GMT

For some years now US employment data, released on the first Friday of the month, has been the most closely watched – and speculated on – economic release; this wasn’t always the case. I remember when it was Thursday’s weekly […]

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‘The Case for 2021 Harnessing Super Long Term Cycles to Gain a Competitive Advantage’: A presentation by Andrew Pancholi for IFTA

The evening of Tuesday the 29th June 2021 will go down in the annals of English history. Not only were the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge at Wembley, but eldest son George was dressed as a mini-me of his Dad, […]

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Stupid spikes and Johnny-come-latelies : follow on from extreme rectangles (last week’s blog)

Almost 40 years ago I started on my quest to learn about derivatives markets and how to use technical analysis on their price charts. My ‘speciality’ – if one can call it that – was being a few steps ahead […]

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Extreme rectangles: Far more interesting than existing trends

Years ago a very pushy journalist from India’s Hindustan Times badgered me for the opportunity to look around our London dealing room and quiz me about my views on financial markets. Eventually, against my better judgement, I caved in to […]

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‘Trading an adapted Gann Theory in the 21st Century’: Yesterday’s (8th June 2021) polished presentation for the STA

Delivered via webinar, the technology ‘du jour’ of the 2020s, Dr Alexander Aburumieh was confident, presentable and speaking very elegant English from Vienna. His biography is brief: trained as a physician at Vienna’s Medical School, he left the profession in […]

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Emerging markets and growing pains: None invited to next week’s G7 meeting in Cornwall

The countries which make up the G7 ( Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom and USA) have met each year since the 1970s. The 2021 summit will be the 47th meeting to take place and the first to be […]

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‘Trading with footprint charts’: IFTA presentation by Peter Becker

Herr Becker is a very personable and confident man; he apologises for his (very slightly) broken English – but there really is no need. He is also an optimist, with a 3-year old and a 5-month old children to bring […]

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‘New Thought on Market Profile’: Trading the Flow of Control

Robin Mesch, President of Mesch Capital Management INC of Portland, Oregon, gave an excellent presentation at yesterday’s (11 May 2021) STA Monthly Meeting. Her speciality is Market Profile, learnt first hand from its developer Peter Steidlmayer, who also set up […]

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‘How to Plan for an Emergency’: A webinar, part of Financial Literacy Month

I’ve been using Reuters news and terminal products since 1982; I still do. The company has now rebranded itself as Refinitiv – Financial Solutions-Advanced Tech, Data, Expertise. Owned by the London Stock Exchange Group since 2018 when Thomson Reuters sold […]

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Markets, motion and moving averages: Alternative options for a perennial favourite

All and sundry use moving averages, wittingly or unwittingly. A long-standing tool of choice for many technical analysts, the method, in its many guises, is used by other financial professionals, laymen and statisticians around the globe. Take UK consumer prices […]

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