The STA Blog - Technical Analysis Training - Page 3

Careful with email: Tips from the professionals

Last month my email provider, the increasingly popular and dominant Gmail, warned me they were going to tweak the service, offering a chance to have a peak at their new version.  Oh no, I thought, not another new gismo I […]

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You have the option – But do you want to pay for it?

Many novice traders think that options are a great idea: You buy unlimited potential to profit and a guaranteed stop-loss which you can quantify right from the very beginning.  What’s not to like?  But as my daughter found out on […]

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Posted in Finance, Markets, STA news, Technical Analysis, Technical Analysis Courses, Technical Analysis Training, Trading, Trending
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De Morgan likes algebra and logic – And founded the Mathematical Society

Last week’s blog, inspired by the Guildhall Art Gallery (11 May – 28 October 2018) exhibition of the work of the artist William De Morgan, looked at symmetry, patterns, and working in three rather than our more usual (for technical […]

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Sublime symmetry: Mathematical precision, mesmerising art

A small but exquisite exhibition with this title is now on, free to all visitors, at the Guildhall Art Gallery (11 May – 28 October 2018).  I chose to pop in yesterday because I’d heard there was a guided tour […]

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Posted in Finance, Markets, STA charts, STA education, STA news, Technical Analysis, Technical Analysis Courses, Technical Analysis Training, Trading, Trending
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Are you a superforecaster? I’m not

But I know of one who is!  Philip E Tetlock, and colleague Dan Gardner, are the authors of the book ‘Superforecasting: the Art and Science of Prediction’ published by Cornerstone Digital in 2015.  A Toronto-born academic, he works at the […]

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The New Beginners, Please The Investors Chronicle 1975

And how I get by with a little help from my friends.  This gem of a book was included in our book club article in Market Technician magazine, issue 84, because it’s a favourite of STA Committee member Mark Tennyson […]

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Leona’s learning curve: STA lends a hand

Working the room at the STA’s 50th birthday party on the 7th June, I had the chance to ask some guests their thoughts on the society.  How technical analysis had changed over the last half century, why they had joined, […]

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Remembering Brian Marber: Who died last month

STA members and the Committee are always a font of knowledge.  Now that they know I’m always on the lookout for ‘content’ – as it’s known in the trade – they give me leads for further enquiry, newspaper clippings, photos […]

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‘The Life Cycle Hypothesis’ – Tony Plummer’s talk and book

Front row seats for veteran technical analysts, Trevor Neil and myself, at this eagerly awaited presentation. WD Gann expert Tony kicked off saying that the US economy has a 36-year cycle.  I don’t know what cycle our speaker’s body clock […]

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Famous fifteen have fun: Running 5K in the sun

On the hottest day so far this year, amid weather warnings from the organisers and signal failure causing untold disruption on all London south-bound trains, the intrepid STA fun-runners pitched up for another fund-raising event.  An established date of the […]

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Posted in Finance, Markets, STA charts, STA education, STA news, Technical Analysis, Technical Analysis Courses, Technical Analysis Training, Trading, Trending
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Eyes on the Executive Committee: Change at the top

Following on from last week’s blog where we discussed briefly what Chairman Axel Rudolph had to say at the STA’s 50th birthday party at City Hall – and the bombshell (for me at least) that he was stepping down at […]

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Posted in Finance, STA charts, STA education, STA news, Technical Analysis Courses, Technical Analysis Training, Trading, Trending
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