The STA Blog - General - Page 2

STA, ACI UK & The Broker Club Joint Panel Debate: Market Outlook for 2023: Fundamental vs Technicals Perspective

Revisiting a format the STA has embraced for some years now, January’s regular monthly meeting on the 10th was a panel discussion on the outlook for foreign exchange markets in 2023. Speakers were asked to stick rigidly to their allocated […]

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‘Are you delusional?’: The title of Victoria Shepherd’s recent magazine article

The Autumn 2022 issue of the New Humanist contains this article, written to coincide with the publication of her latest book: ‘’A History of Delusions; the Glass King, a Substitute Husband and a Walking Corpse’’ (Blackstone Publishing). If that doesn’t […]

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‘How to Benefit from Seasonality in Difficult Markets’: An IFTA webinar on Monday the 1st August

The International Federation of Technical Analysts is getting good at streaming interesting talks at times that suit their member societies – all over the world; no mean feat! Introduced as usual by IFTA’s web and workshop supremo Bruce Frasier, he […]

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Celebrate International Technical Analyst Day (09/09/2022)

To celebrate INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL ANALYST DAY*on the 9th of September 2022, we are asking everyone to give a special acknowledgement to any Technical Analysts who have inspired or influenced you. It’s a chance to shine a spotlight on your favourite […]

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Posted in General, STA news

Central Banks ahoy! How will markets react?

The media, the world and his mother are well aware that all sorts of consumer prices have been rising sharply since Q3 2021; now it’s the turn for central banks to sit up and smell the roses – and pretend […]

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‘For he’s a jolly good Fellow: And so say all of us’

Walking up Threadneedle Street from the Bank of England at lunchtime on April Fool’s Day – and a New Moon to boot – I should have expected a flurry of snow. Reconvening for a post-pandemic annual lunch, Fellows of the […]

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‘What does the inflation crisis mean for you?: Wednesday’s presentation from Santander Bank

Every now and then a really good virtual presentation comes your way – except the STA and IFTA ones which are, of course, always good and worth making an appointment to view. An invitation to a weekday half hour slot […]

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Tour de force from a veteran with pedigree: Tom McClellan on Market Breadth

One of the many excellent international speakers the STA has invited to our webinar-based monthly meetings, now billed as ‘Ask the Expert Series’, with Tom we get to hear things straight from the horse’s mouth. Editor of The McClellan Market […]

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New Year panel discussion: Plus introducing The Broker Club

What should have been an in-person meeting for our usual January panel discussion on the outlook for financial markets had, unfortunately, to be held via video-link. Opening the proceedings on Tuesday the 11th January 2022 was Eddie Tofpik MSTA, newly […]

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Posted in General

STA Freedom Party: Something to celebrate

On one of my rare trips into town since lockdown version one, masked, I ventured onto the tube to the Embankment and popped round the corner to the majestic building of the National Liberal Club. The setting of many STA […]

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Tips from an expert on Public Speaking: And how to master a Zoom presentation

I rate my local council and since lockdown I’ve been even more impressed. Their Enterprise Team have upped their game to create and disseminate local jobs for local people, and have introduced a series of schemes aimed at helping small […]

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Moderated by Gavin Wells of 360TGTX Swaps strategy, 13th July 2021 Gavin expertly managed to round up the trio of likely lads who had bravely faced off at our annual January fundamental versus technical analysts’ session of forecasts for the […]

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Extreme rectangles: Far more interesting than existing trends

Years ago a very pushy journalist from India’s Hindustan Times badgered me for the opportunity to look around our London dealing room and quiz me about my views on financial markets. Eventually, against my better judgement, I caved in to […]

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‘Trading an adapted Gann Theory in the 21st Century’: Yesterday’s (8th June 2021) polished presentation for the STA

Delivered via webinar, the technology ‘du jour’ of the 2020s, Dr Alexander Aburumieh was confident, presentable and speaking very elegant English from Vienna. His biography is brief: trained as a physician at Vienna’s Medical School, he left the profession in […]

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The new delights of working from home (WFH): Nuisance calls, phishing and fraud

I’ve rearranged some of my living arrangements so that I have a decent space to work in – luckily unhindered by kids or extended family – upgraded my internet access to BT’s latest 5C offering (the mobile phone is not […]

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‘How to Plan for an Emergency’: A webinar, part of Financial Literacy Month

I’ve been using Reuters news and terminal products since 1982; I still do. The company has now rebranded itself as Refinitiv – Financial Solutions-Advanced Tech, Data, Expertise. Owned by the London Stock Exchange Group since 2018 when Thomson Reuters sold […]

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‘Long Term Forecasting using Interdisciplinary Price Analysis (IPA)’: A presentation by Tom Bundgaard of Kairos Commodities

My heart sort of sank when it was announced that his system involved technical analysis, fundamental analysis and macroeconomics; not only that, these were then integrated in three dimensions. Things looked up when Jeff Boccaccio MSTA introduced him, and Tom […]

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How deep is your knowledge of charts? Why a wide range of reading material helps

I’ve always enjoyed reading and, more importantly, widely. Never confining myself to one genre of literature, or tunnelling into my specialist subject, I’ve roamed far and wide, especially when it comes to current media. Daily and evening newspapers, free weekly […]

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How to present yourself: In the Working From Home world

Let’s face it, those who can WFH are among the luckier ones in the current – and ongoing for too long – pandemic. The set-up may suit some, and not others, depending on the domestic situation and physical space; but it has made us all re-think priorities and re-write our wish-list.

Up-to-date connectivity and technology (which one is confident using) are key, so much so that some politicians are suggesting these should be made basic citizens’ rights, much like clean water and efficient sewage. Personally I would also suggest that a decent desk and good chair to work at, hopefully with enough space, light and quiet, are too.

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‘That Was the Year that Was’ And a happy New Year to all STA members and followers

An album of satirical songs recorded live by Tim Lehrer in 1965, and originally written for NBC’s TV series ‘That Was the Week that Was’, somehow it sums up the year of the pandemic. But that’s not what I’m thinking […]

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The views and opinions expressed on the STA’s blog do not necessarily represent those of the Society of Technical Analysts (the “STA”), or of any officer, director or member of the STA. The STA makes no representations as to the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any information on the blog or found by following any link on blog, and none of the STA, STA Administrative Services or any current or past executive board members are liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. None of the information on the STA’s blog constitutes investment advice.

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The STA has an extensive library of classic technical analysis texts. There are over 1000 books in the collection. It is held at the Barbican Library with a smaller...


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