The STA Blog - General - Page 5

Using Fibs for profit targets

First of all I would like to say I hope I can do the blog justice in Nicole Elliott’s absence as I have immensely enjoyed her posts so far, secondly I wanted to post something in this blog that I […]

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Posted in General, Markets, STA charts, Technical Analysis, Trading
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How bond traders use charts: without being technical analysts

Did you know that there are an awful lot of market professionals out there who are not technical analysts – yet they use charts all the time. As a technical analyst you might well believe that you have little to […]

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Posted in Finance, General, Markets, STA news, Technical Analysis, Trading
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Determined charitable souls: STA meet in Battersea Park

Despite Thursday 9th July 2015 being the first complete London underground strike in 13 years, STA runners weren’t daunted (though numbers slightly depleted) as they ran for charity at the annual JP Morgan fun run. Setting up team HQ at […]

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A blast from the past: Bubbles, baths and blood

Founder member of the STA Philip Gray treated us to a no-holds-barred look into manias and the madness of crowds last night. Warning us: ‘this lecture will seriously damage your wealth’ he regaled us with interesting, and many hilarious anecdotes […]

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Posted in Finance, General, Markets, STA news, Technical Analysis, Trading, Trending
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The element of surprise: Can technical analysis help?

This week the euro rallied five US cents in 65 hours, despite on-going Greek drama, and all too many financial analysts were stumped, slaughtered, and lost for words. I have been wondering whether technical analysis can help in predicting surprise, […]

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Posted in Finance, General, Markets, STA news, Technical Analysis, Trading, Trending
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A farmer allocates assets

Gerry Celaya, describing himself as a small Aberdeenshire sheep farmer, addressed the STA at May’s monthly meeting yesterday. Needless to say Gerry, who used to be a board member of the Society, is no ordinary farmer with a BA and […]

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Posted in General, STA news, Technical Analysis

The Technical Analyst Awards 2015

The Technical Analyst Awards ceremony was held last Thursday night for the seventh year running at Le Meriden Piccadilly. Several well known people from the industry were there, including Axel Rudolph, chairman of the STA, Deborah Owen, head of education, […]

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Posted in General, STA news, Technical Analysis

Designing Great Visualizations – Tableau® software

Sometimes, only rarely, does one come across something that is, as the kids would say, ‘awesome’. Being a visual sort of person, which I think most technical analysts must be, I recently came across this site and it reminded me […]

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The STA take on the JPMorgan Corporate Challenge

Roll up! Sign up! Don’t be frightened by all the big blokes. This really is a fun run which raises money for Cancer Research UK. For the first time ever the STA has entered a team, one of hundreds of […]

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Posted in General, STA news

Are Technical Analysts a breed apart? Find out with Doctor Dementia’s Test

We are used to dealing with bars, candles and clouds. Points and figures, ratios and angles. But let’s see how we fare when letters and numbers out of order. Try reading this aloud; be warned, only a few can do […]

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Posted in General

Coinciding with currency wars – Rebasing charts

We all know that the euro is plummeting, it’s status as the most hated currency in a long time well established.  But what’s it doing relative to other currencies around the globe?  When some are quoted as US dollars per unit of currency, like the euro, and others as currency per US dollar, like the Japanese yen, how can we compare this frankly motley lot?

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Notes and thoughts from the latest STA meeting

Reporting from the lecture given by Yann Cordier on the 10th March 2015, who had kindly torn himself away from his interesting job at Axa Investment Managers in Paris, something of a ‘back to the future’ theme emerged.

The main thrust of his focus was the relative strength of different sectors of the stock market.  Not to be confused with the Relative Strength Index used by technical analysts (RSI), his technique looks at relative outperformance of one security against another one; the ratio between the two compares winners with losers.  This sort of thing has been used for a very long time by stockbrokers when comparing a share to the performance of the index it is included in.

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New features for the STA web site

Unnerving times in the markets and the Society of Technical Analysts has some exciting developments up its sleeve to help you manoeuvre the potholes and avoid the pitfalls of these extraordinary financial times.  We continue to improve the website, both its content and style, and would welcome members’ feedback.

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The views and opinions expressed on the STA’s blog do not necessarily represent those of the Society of Technical Analysts (the “STA”), or of any officer, director or member of the STA. The STA makes no representations as to the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any information on the blog or found by following any link on blog, and none of the STA, STA Administrative Services or any current or past executive board members are liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. None of the information on the STA’s blog constitutes investment advice.

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