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The STA Blog - Page 19

Finding value across asset classes using volume profile

Tuesday the 9th May Rajan Dhall, MSTA and a trader for the last ten years, told us how he uses volume profile.  As a moderator for the STA’s education forum his ability to explain new concepts concisely and clearly shone […]

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On balance volume: and its variations

I’m sure I’m not alone in scouring car number plates trying to spot fun or cool ones; I know that people pay good money for these.  The best I’ve ever seen was on a matching pair of his ’n her […]

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How not to write: And avoid looking silly

‘The break below 110.14 opens up some downside momentum. The first pivot area to watch here is 109.65-109.38; includes 50% retrace from the Sep. ’16 low as well as a minor equality target off the Mar. 30th high. The bigger […]

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Charts were not made equal: Some are more useful than others

As a technical analyst you are au fait with bars, candles, and point and figure graphs.  Some might add Renko and Kagi – and did you know that Karagi charts plot precipitation and temperature?  I’m sure there’ll be other styles […]

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Study volume at price: To enhance your options

Paul McLaren, founder of technical analysis firm Enhance Your Options Pty Ltd ©2017, addressed STA members Tuesday with some very interesting charts and ideas.  Explaining how people, including us techies, can be divided into two camps – visuals and quants […]

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Forecasting error: Clouds decision making

When I read interesting articles (and I tend to prefer hard copy to digital) or see great charts, I usually cut them out and keep for later reference.  This is what I’m doing today with an interesting article in City […]

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Oscillators: Pick and mix

Last week a reader wrote in asking why I tended to use a clutch of oscillators in what he saw as a rather random manner; that set me thinking.  Which ones do I favour and why?  Why do I flip […]

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Back to the Bank of England: Black marks all fudges

Recently the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street has been in the news for all the wrong reasons.  Now because Ms Charlotte Hogg was economical with the truth, flouting compliance rules she herself had drawn up.  Bagging a job that was […]

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Shaun Downey: Trading Time

This month’s STA talk was ‘Trading Time: using the 4th dimension to create a 3rd spatial visualisation from a 2 dimensional image’. While that may sound like a strange and convoluted title the concept is fairly straight forward. How do […]

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Of housing and hockey sticks: Anchoring and trends

Recent research by the Bank of England using Land Registry data from 1995 shows that the chance of quickly flipping the home for a profit depends on when it was bought – and at what price, of course.  At its […]

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Channelling the energy: Into parallel tracks

One of the nice things with networking at the STA’s monthly meetings is catching up with old friends and being reminded how we use different features of technical analysis.  Glyn Bradney MSTA many years ago gave a lecture at this […]

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Interest rates on the up: That old chestnut

At the start of another calendar year we have been warned that developed world interest rates can only go up.  Yes, again!  Just as they have been threatening for the best part of a decade; just because rates were at […]

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Nice legs: Shame about the face

Or to paraphrase: the Hindenburg Omen has a good name; shame about its reliability.  Developed to monitor shares on the New York Stock Exchange, it could be used for any other major international index but, surprisingly, is not.  While the […]

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Cycles in Trading: Emperical Mode Decomposition

Yesterday Dr Rolf Wetzer flew in via Germany from his base in Basel to talk about his work with the Dax index.  Past president of IFTA and editor of its journal, member of the Swiss Association of Market Technicians, he […]

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Why hide your light under a bushel?

CNBC’s ‘Mad Money’ Jim Cramer is certainly not my favourite business TV presenter (too much shouting!)  But for once he had something interesting to say, slipped in during quiet markets at year-end.  ‘You may not be a technician but you […]

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Chart on a role: Visual stunner

Last week the Financial Times published an article entitled: The Dow Jones – a flawed measure but with a rich history with the sub-heading A visual biography of the all-American average as it nears 20,000. Doesn’t exactly jump off the […]

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Bank Underground: Digging through 800 years

Fairly recently the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street took to Twitter with @bankofengland.  Describing itself as a forum for staff to share views that challenge – or support – prevailing policy orthodoxies, opinions are clearly labelled as those of the […]

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Suitable speakers: Swap market outlooks

As has been the case for the last few years, January’s monthly STA meeting takes a panel discussion format – where we continue to encourage audience participation.  Seeing as they were getting three speakers for the price of one, the […]

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A fistful of FSTAs come out to play

For those of you who couldn’t make the STA’s 30th birthday party on the 30th November – you missed a real treat.  Originally ACTA (the Association of Chart and Technical Analysts founded in 1968) Philip Gray, Fellow of the Society […]

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Russell Napier’s rapier: Incisive views

Describing himself as a financial historian Russell Napier’s talk at the STA’s December meeting was thorough yet refreshing.  Willing to cut through jargon, slice and dice received wisdom, hack through complacency, and generally challenge the status quo, he certainly got […]

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