The STA Blog - Tag: Portfolio

‘How to Determine Bearish and Bullish Markets!’: Speaker’s capitalisation and exclamation mark

The STA’s May monthly meeting was, unfortunately, conducted via webinar because of the Corona-19 virus; a pity as veteran (3rd time) invitee Zaheer Anwari is someone I look forward to catching up with over networking and drinks at our regular events. What I found out in this week’s presentation is that he has had a varied and interesting career, though he claims to be from a rather ordinary background.

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Posted in Finance, Markets, Technical Analysis, Trading, Trending
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Low, low volatility: Vix versus the rest

The Vix index, originally developed by Menachem Brenner and Dan Galai in 1986, was launched as a futures contract in 2004 on the Chicago Board Options Exchange (then options on this future introduced in 2006).  It followed the stock market […]

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Posted in Finance, General, Markets, STA news, Technical Analysis, Trading, Trending
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