Market Technician No.68

STA Diploma Results. T. Pelc – The rhythm of time, R. Miller – Point and Figure Charting, J. Monfort – Acute Monthly Reversals (AMRs), D. McMinn – DJIA peaks, seasonality and Market Outcomes, D Watts – Bytes and Pieces.

Market Technician No.67

STA Diploma Results. R. R. Prechter Jr – Real-time application of the Elliott Wave Model, D. McMillan – 60 year intervals and October panics, T. Plummer – The 2008 financial panic: a retrospective perspective, M. Pryor – Private Trading, M. […]

Market Technician No.66

STA Diploma Results. Book Reviews, Market Outlook for 2010, L. Rascke & N. Bahadur – Time of day ranges and trend persistence, J. P. Hussman – Zen lessons in market analysis.

Market Technician No.65

STA Diploma Results. K. Edgeley – Trend Strength- “fat-tailed” analysis, T. Laduguie – Forecasting the FTSE with e-yield indicators, M. Jones – The herd instinct, T. Parker – Art or Science? Ruminations on the meaning of technical analysis.

Market Technician No.64

D. Watts – Bytes & Pieces. C. Osler – Currency orders and exchange rate dynamics: an explanation for the predictive success of technical analysis, T. Neil – Using DeMark studies, C. Skinner – Augmenting technical analysis with astro-cycles, P. Beuttell […]

Market Technician No.63

STA Exam Results. Obituaries – Francoise Skelley and Ian S Notley, J. Nebenzahl – Market forecasts for 2009, K Edgeley – Charting the rise of technical analysis, T. Parker – 2009 Market perspectives, J Hasanodzic – Perspectives on technical analysis.

Market Technician No.62

STA Exam Results. T. Plummer – The golden ratio and its presence in financial markets, J. Hochman – MY ratio.

Market Technician No.61

D. Watts – Bytes & Pieces, D.Owen – The momentum effect – puzzling but true, K Edgeley – Equity Views 2008 – a challenging year already, T. Pelc – Currency outlook for 2008, R. Prechter – Ask not what your […]

Market Technician No.60

D. Watts – Bytes & Pieces. M. Feeny – Book Review, F . Cavasino – Systematic Trading: it is more about risk than you may imagine, S. Downey – System building and back testing – oppertunities, methods and caveats, D. […]

Market Technician No.59

STA Exam Results. T. Plummer – The Kondratyev wave: heretical thoughts and practical understandings, J. Piper – Playing with marbles , C. Lambert – Transition from Liffe broker to technical analyst, N. Batsford – Keeping to the rules, P. Osborn […]

Market Technician No.58

STA Exam Results. P.Desmond – Food for thought , A Bolton – How I use technical analysis in my decision making process, R. William – Book Review, Bronwyn Wood Memorial Award, D.Watts – Bytes and Pieces , J. Noyce – […]

Market Technician No.57

D. Watts – Bytes & Pieces, G Gandolfi, M Rossolini & A Sabatini – Variable MACD – adapting to financial market dynamics, A. Nasser – Real technical analysis, A. Angeli – Smartview, M.Bain – Gold – a point and figure […]

Market Technician No.56

STA Exam Results. P.Desmond – An exploration of the nature ofbull market tops, T.McCullough – Market timing in trend exhaustions, D.Watts – A survey of technical analysis charting, T.Hobson – A technical assessment of global yield risks and futures profit […]

Market Technician No.55

STA Exam Results, D.Watts – Bytes and Pieces, H.Pruden & M.von Liechtenstein – Wyckoff schematics:Visual templatesfor market timing decisions, K.Edgeley – Using volatility to refine technical signals, Book Reviews, D.Sneddon – Using Fibonacci, F.Khan – The Naked Bar.