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Simon Warren

Fellow and Non Executive Director of the STA

Simon Warren was Head of Investments at Bupa for seven years with responsibility for £3.7bn of assets and £1.1bn of debt. Prior to that he was Deputy Treasurer and Head of Front Office trading where he was responsible for all transactional and FX hedging.
Simon is a Fellow of the Association of Certified Accountants and began his career at Bupa in 1987 as an accountant before moving over to the Treasury and Investment areas where he utilised his technical analysis skills.
Simon was Treasurer of the STA from 2003 to 2018 and was also a Director of the International Federation of Technical Analysts for three years where he was Chairman of the Finance Committee.

David Watts


David is a Trading System Consultant and professional engineer. He first became involved with the LIFFE markets after being commissioned to provide IT support and write a trading model for a number of LIFFE traders in 1992. Since then he has used his engineering expertise on a number of innovative trading projects. Commissions include the implementation of Dunnigan’s One Way Formulae, a technical trading model, the production of a number of swing timing models for traders within the Butterworth Group (1997-2000) as well as providing time series analysis tools for clients in the banking and fund management industry.

David was made a Fellow in 2023 in gratitude for all the work he has done and continues to do as a member of the STA Executive Committee.

Anne Whitby

Fellow and past Chairman of the STA

Anne has been a technical analyst for over forty years. She started her career at Chart Analysis Ltd., working for David Fuller, and was Managing Director of the company from 1986 until she left in 1995. After that Anne went to set up a new technical analysis department at 4CAST Ltd., a company established in late 1994 to provide multi-media research to institutions. She left in 1999 to accept a position at a large investment bank, but after a brief spell was convinced that she was happier in smaller, and particularly new companies.
Anne is a past chairman of the STA and also a past board member of IFTA. While she was STA chairperson, the formalised courses for the Diploma examination were started at South Bank University.

Donald Cornelius

Fellow and second ACTA Chairman (d. 2014)

After initially starting to train as an accountant, Donald moved to stockbroking in 1953.
In 1968 he became one of the 3,000 members of the London Stock Exchange, but was bought out when personal memberships ended and companies took over. He was a partner in several firms over the years, and became an expert in warrants, and later in traded options. In 1973, with the Ionian Bank, he floated an investment trust, Archimedes, which specialised in geared securities, and remained a director of the company for its life. During his career in the City he also became a Freeman of the City of London.
Donald was a founder committee member of ACTA (the precursor of the Society of Technical Analysts) and became its second chairman. He frequently lectured about charts and their uses in investment decision making. He retired in 1990 and died on 25 October 2014.

“Alec” Ellinger

Fellow and Founder Member of ACTA (1904-1989)

Alexander (aka Alec) was born in 1904, Oxford educated and a stockbroker in the City before the war. He founded his own investment consultancy and investment management business, Investment Research, in Cambridge upon being demobbed in 1945. Alec was one of the first few to take the brave step of advocating investment in equities rather than gilts in the post-war era. How right he was.
“The Art of Investment”, which Alec co-wrote with another STA Fellow, John Cuningham, was published in 1955 and has since been reprinted many times. It was the first European book to introduce readers to charts and combined their usage with investment management techniques. He also co-authored “A Post-War History of the Stock Market” with another STA Fellow, Thomas H. (aka Harvey) Stewart, and wrote five more pamphlets. Alec became one of the founders of ACTA, now The Society of Technical Analysts, and was also a member of The Society of Investment Analysts (now CISI); he remains the only person ever elected as a Fellow of both.

The Art of Investment Wiley Investment (revised edition January 15, 2000)
A Post-War History of the Stock Market: The Chartists' View Imprint unknown (November 27, 1980)
Using Share Charts Investment Research (June 1972)
Commodities: The Best Speculation Investment Research (March 1969)
Why I Use Charts Investment Research (1964)
How You Lose Money On The Stock Exchange Investment Research (1962)
Using Market Trends Investment Research (1960)

David Fuller

Fellow (d. 2019)

David Fuller gave his first presentation to the STA (then ACTA) in 1970 when it was a fledgling organization. As he said, “we were convinced that we had an important analytical methodology that few people in the City understood. That view has never changed although we often debated the relative effectiveness of different TA methodologies.”
David was Managing Director and later Chairman and owner of Chart Analysis Limited, a research firm which was one of the first to publish weekly chart books in the UK, largely Point & Figure. It was a Dickensian process in those days, as some wonderful analytical colleagues will recall, not least Anne Whitby. The latest version of his research firm is www.fullertreacymoney.com, a somewhat interactive service. This site uses mostly Candlestick charts. Over the years David also gave many courses and talks on technical analysis, his basic approach being behavioural and factual technical analysis – in other words, nothing theoretical.

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Elli Gifford

Fellow (d. 2004)

Elli Gifford first became known as a technical analyst when she worked at Investment Research in Cambridge in the mid 1960s. From the late 1970s until 1986 she specialised in the commodity and futures markets, initially at Eurocommodities then at Rudolf Wolff, where she rose to be the Director of Research, responsible for both the technical and fundamental teams. In 1986 she returned to the newly incorporated Investment Research of Cambridge Limited and remained there until 2000.
In the 1986 change from ACTA to STA, Elli was one of the leaders. She was a regular speaker at meetings, as well as at other conferences and seminars, and an active teacher of technical analysis. She was also involved in the early days of the International Federation of Technical Analysts (IFTA).
Elli wrote two books on technical analysis, ‘Money Making Matters’ and ‘The Investor’s Guide to Technical Analysis’. She died in April 2004.

Money Making Matters Imprint unknown (January 1981)
The Investor’s Guide to Technical Analysis Financial Times/Prentice Hall

Philip Gray

Fellow and first Chairman of the STA (d. 2021)

Philip Gray had over 30 years’ international experience in all aspects of investment banking, especially investment management and stock broking. He had also been a director of various companies listed on the UK, Zurich, Frankfurt and Johannesburg stock exchanges, and director of an ASX listed industrial company.
Philip was the leading figure in the change from ACTA to STA in 1986, when the Society became a company limited by guarantee, and was the first STA Chairman. He was a frequent speaker at technical analysis conferences over the years. In addition he has been Chairman of the Hong Kong Society of Investment Analysts. Philip was also a Fellow of the Institute of Directors. He died on 15 January 2021.

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Brian Marber

Fellow (d. 2018)

Brian was the first fund manager in the UK to manage large funds using only technical analysis, and for six years from 1976/81 was voted best technical analyst in the City. Also in 1980 he was quoted as having the best FX forecasting record in the world. During the 1980s Brian was a Member of the Visiting Faculty at IMI in Geneva, Europe’s oldest business school. In 1981 he founded Brian Marber & Co, at one time the world’s largest independent FX consultancy, and in 1990 started managing FX accounts.
In 2007 Brian published “Marber on Markets” in the UK. It was subsequently published in India in 2008 and in China in 2010.

Marber on Markets Harriman House Publishing (2007)
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Ian Notley

Fellow (d. 2008)

Ian was born in Australia, but moved permanently to Canada in 1974, where he made his name in technical analysis. He created what became known as the Trend & Cycle Department at a major investment house. In the late 1980’s he went out on his own, forming Yelton Fiscal to become an independent research provider.
Ian was also one of the founders of both the CSTA (Canadian Society of Technical Analysts) and IFTA, and was the creator of the Walkabout sessions at IFTA conferences.
Ian died in May 2008, and in partnership with the MTA Educational Foundation, the Ian S Notley Memorial Award on Cycles Research was inaugurated in 2010.

Francoise Skelley

Fellow (d. 2008)

Francoise (‘Fran’) built a world renowned technical team and created many innovative products at Credit Suisse/CSFB from 1992 to 2008. In her role there she genuinely made a difference to the spread of technical analysis in the financial industry. Her approach to market analysis was rigorous and thorough; professionalism at its peak.
In addition Fran also made significant contributions to the STA, and was a member of the 1994/95 Forward Planning Committee, which produced a number of considered recommendations for the Society’s future development. She also joined the American Association of Professional Technical Analysts, founded in 2004.
Fran died aged just 45 on 11 August 2008, taken far too early.

“Harvey” Stewart

Fellow (d. 2002)

Thomas Harvey Stewart, aka “Harvey”, was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge and after graduation remained in this city, joining Alec Ellinger’s growing and much respected investment management and consultancy business where he soon became a partner. Harvey developed the Commodities, and later Futures, side of the business and for many years wrote the regular weekly “London Commodity Charts”, a publication which gained a transatlantic audience and was, at one stage, flown by Concorde every Friday night. He co-wrote with Alec “A Post-War History of the Stock Market“, describing and reasoning the fluctuating fortunes of the post-1945 equity and gilt markets. A charming and extremely sociable man, Harvey was much admired by those who met him. He died in 2002.

A Post-War History of the Stock Market Investment Research, 2nd revised edition January 15, 1973

Eustace Storey

Fellow (d. 1990)

Eustace Storey was a stockbroker, born around the beginning of the twentieth century, and must be considered the doyen of technical analysis in the United Kingdom, having constructed his first chart in 1928. He wrote a book on his price plus volume method, which was based on the idea that the volume of shares was less important than the number of bargains done. He also concluded that historic highs and lows for both market indices and individual shares were characterized by similar price and volume action.
Eustace was totally committed to charting in various forms and wrote many articles in the Investor’s Chronicle and other publications. He was a market man who established a strong track record over many years.

The Eustace Storey Way To Stock Market Profits Warwick Publishing (Mar. 1980)

Bronwen Wood

Fellow, developed the STA’s formal qualification in technical analysis (d. 2002)

Bronwen was instrumental in developing the STA’s formal qualification in technical analysis, and apart from teaching courses for the STA Diploma, in the early years she wrote and marked all the papers. She was a Board member from 1986 until 1993, when she went to work at Adia in Abu Dhabi, and was also a long-standing member of the board of IFTA and of its executive committee. Through this connection, she was widely respected throughout the world, as well as in the UK, as an outstanding technical analyst and an expert in the teaching of technical analysis.
Bronwen died on 30 December 1992, aged only 60. In her memory, the Board of the STA voted to create an annual award for the best Diploma paper, which is known as the Bronwen Wood Memorial Prize.

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