STA Summer Party and Diploma Awards – July 2016

Tuesday 12th July 2016

The evening started with the presentation of STA Diploma certificates to the latest cohort of successful candidates. Only some of the many who studied were able to be there in person as they live far away abroad or because of prior commitments, but we were delighted to welcome those that could make it. Luise Kliem FSTA, STA consultant and lecturer, gave a brief introduction to the two stages of the Diploma course. STA Chairman Axel Rudolph FSTA presented the certificates as Luise called them up one by one. 2 of the new MSTAs present – Simon Gray and Guillaume Osouf – achieved Distinctions. Well done to all!

Watch a video of the awards here.

The Awards Ceremony was followed by Philip Gray FSTA who gave a riveting talk on Chinese markets, and a networking Drinks and Canapes Reception.

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