STA Monthly Meeting November 2020

Tuesday 10th November 2020 at 6.30pm
Jack Schwager Interview

Steven Goldstein, Managing Director, Alpha R Cubed will be interviewing Jack Schwager in this virtual ‘fireside chat.’

Steven Goldstein, Risk Performance Consultant, Alpha R Cubed Ltd

Steven Goldstein is a Performance Coach and Consultant working with traders and participants in the financial markets. He is the founder of BGT Edge Ltd and coaches traders and managers at a growing number of investment banks and hedge funds in the UK and Europe. In addition to that Steven provides technical analysis on a number of currency pairs for 3CAnalysis.

Jack D Schwager, Chief Research Officer, FundSeeder

Jack D Schwager is a recognized industry expert on futures and hedge funds, and the author of the iconic Market Wizards series in which he interviewed many of the trading legends of our time. Previous books in the series include: Market Wizards (1989, revised edition 2012), The New Market Wizards (1992), Stock Market Wizards (2001), Hedge Fund Market Wizards (2012), and The Little Book of Market Wizards (2014). His newest book in the series, Undiscovered Market Wizards is scheduled for publication in November 2020. Mr Schwager’s other works include, A Complete Guide to the Futures Markets (revised edition January 2017), Market Sense and Nonsense (2013), Getting Started in Technical Analysis (1999), and the three-volume Schwager on Futures series (1995-96).

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