STA Monthly Meeting May 2009

Tuesday 12th May 2009
Trend Strength

The predominant market activity is one of range trading; most asset classes trend far less than is commonly perceived. The correct selection of technical indicators will depend on identifying the phase of the market. Kevin will discuss how emotional biases drive price action and can prompt trends to extend beyond the bounds of a normal Gaussian curve into the “fat tails” of the distribution. He has been a user of technical analysis throughout his career and after witnessing behavioural biases first hand in the open outcry-markets now uses trend strength and momentum techniques to disqualify “noise” trading and quantify the intensity of directional moves.

Kevin Edgeley

Kevin Edgeley has worked in the city since 1982. He spent 15 years as a floor trader on LIFFE for Bache, HSBC and Goldman Sachs before moving to a technical strategy role within economic research.

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