STA Monthly Meeting May 2007

Wednesday 9th May 2007
Trading the DeMark Levels

Guido reckons to meet around 20-25 people interested in TA every week. Most of these meetings end up covering DeMark, and very often with the same questions. The main interest is how to trade the signals and which signals should be more closely observed than others. The presentation will show how within TD Sequential and TD Combo there is more information than at first meets the eye. Delayed perfections, compressed setups, disqualified breakouts, clustering of signals and retracements will be covered, as well as suggestions on how to include in the analysis TD Differential and TD Camo. There have been other presentations on the DeMark indicators, but he hopes to present some new suggestions on how to use these amazing tools.

Guido Riolo MSTA, Head of Technical Analysis for EMEA, Bloomberg

After completing an MBA in finance, Guido worked at Delta Forex, an Italian consultancy specialising  in Elliott Wave analysis on currencies. In 1998 he started at Bloomberg, where his first task was to set up the TA group for the Analytics desk, supporting the European Head of Technical Analysis. In January 2005 he was promoted to Head of TA for the EMEA region.

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