STA Monthly Meeting – June 2010

Tuesday 8th June 2010
The rhythm of time

Tom has a keen interest in cycles, believing there is no dualism between financial markets and natural cycles. He will talk about a variety of approaches to cycles in order to determine timing and price.

Attendees will have to have an open mind as he will challenge the concept of measuring time and look at the different cultural attempts to track time from the Mayan calendar to the Chinese/Japanese techniques, even heliotaraxy (effect of solar activity on the biosphere). Planetary alignments and well known cycles such as Kondratieff and Martin Armstrong’s work will also be discussed. The conclusions will allude to recent events and coming events that can be forecasted by using a cycles approach in line with technical chart signals. Tom will show how to exploit these observations and incorporate them into a strategy for making profits in the future.

Tom Pelc MSTA CFTe, Chief Investment Officer, Fortu Wealth

Tom has 24 years’ experience of financial markets, starting as a technical analyst/strategist with Standard and Poors. After Merrill Lynch, he comanaged Othon Investment, a $2 Billion Hedge Fund, before becoming Head of Technical Strategy at RBS for 10 years.

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