STA Monthly Meeting January 2009

Tuesday 20th January 2009
Predictability of Cycles

Brian will cover the properties of mathematical sine waves and the effect of various moving averages on these. He will then highlight the difficulties caused by the variations in amplitude, wavelength and phase of the cycles present in market data. However, techniques will be described which will find the small number (10%) of securities (or indices, forex) whose cycles are currently passing through a period of stability. These stable cycles can be isolated and categorised into short, medium and long term wavelengths. The summation of the stable cycles in each category gives a very accurate prediction of trends into the near future.

Brian Millard, Qudos Publications

Following a career as a scientist and university lecturer, Brian set up his own business to produce software for the mathematical analysis of the stock market. He has published many books and articles on the application of channels and cycles to market data. Brian is also a local councillor and was Leader of Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council until recently.

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