Course Lecturers

Axel Rudolph BSc (Hons) MSc FSTA

Senior Technical Analyst, IG

Axel Rudolph is Head of Education at the Society of Technical Analysts, and former STA Chairman (2013 to 2018). Prior to becoming chairman he was responsible for education and program organisation at the STA for six years. He has been a lecturer on the STA Diploma Part 1 and 2 courses at King’s College University London, London School of Economics and Queen Mary University of London for over two decades. From 2007-2010 Axel was Vice-Chairman Europe on the board of the International Federation of Technical Analysts (IFTA).

Axel is currently a senior technical analyst at IG Group. Previously he has been a director and senior technical analyst at Commerzbank, Dow Jones’ Chief Technical Analyst for Europe and a bond, derivatives and proprietary trader in Paris and London. He is a Fellow of the STA.

STA Monthly Meeting & Summer Party July 2004 Sell in May and go away?

Axel will use the title as his theme, to examine the accuracy of this old London stockmarket lore, and the methodology to quantify it. He will analyse the Dow Jones Index as well as the DJ Euro-Stoxx-50 Index to show how a technical analyst can beat equity markets over a three to five year time span whilst keeping risk exposure to roughly half of that of a buy and hold strategy. He will end his talk with an outlook for the year ahead.

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